Sunday, April 27, 2008

oNce upOn a tiMe ........

in the beginning~ o6

in between ~o7

at last ~^^ 08

hey y'all.......!! we know its kinda late to start blogging now, but its always better late than never....right?=P ever since we came to kl, many things happens.. good things... bad things...... and these memories are all equally valuable to us which we want to keep them fresh in our mind. Thanks to our dear friend CAROL who kinda like 'inspired' us to blog. hahax... hrmm.. there is nothing much to intro though.. we'll just start by posting our high school pictures for a start of remembering all the sweet memories four of us shared together alright..=P

lets start from yr o5 of jmcy.......

there's only one picture of us that year...=P

2006 jmcy pictures.......

The Inseperable 1

The Inseperable II

can you recognise us?? =P

buddy arr...=P

don't michelle look different...haha=X

2007 jmcy pictures.......

Ahh~~those were the times

ain't tht cute....

few days before spm...?=P

thts mishand n dave... hapi family of 5sc4...

"beloved" school of ours......

ahhhh.. jane and mich again..


tution days... where we hide ourselves in the toilet and take pictures.....=P

lastly.....2008 of jmcy...... jeng.. wheres caroline???

carol, me, mich.... now wheres yinn jeng??=.=

gosh..... caroline..where are you???

aiks...>.< wheres yinn jeng lar...

ahhhhhh finally..... happy family potrait on the year 2008^^

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